My Story
My journey with the Alexander Technique began over 15 years ago while I was in my acting training. I was struggling with connecting myself to what I was doing. After my first lesson, I felt free, like I was home. And I had the realization that I'd spent the first 20+ years of my life disconnected from myself, living "in my head". But it wasn't until I was invited to remember that experience of full embodiment that I realized that up to this moment, I hadn't been.
As I continued the lessons, I began to notice things about myself: How I would move differently when I was running late, how my mind would wander to thoughts of judgement, and how I would then experience an increase of tension in my body, specifically through my shoulders, head, and neck. Once I began to notice these experiences as they were happening, I was empowered to make a choice. I could continue to have the same experience I was familiar with, or I could pause, find my feet, and ask myself if there was something more available.
Some days there was, and some days there wasn't, but this was the seed that ultimately sent me further in exploration of not just the art-form, but myself.
Inclusivity Statement*
All welcome, those seeking greater embodied freedom.
This includes all races, colors, religions, sexes, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, national origins, genetics, body types, abilities (visible and invisible), ages, and economic statuses.
Mistakes will inevitably be made, because I am/we are human. However, I am/ we are committed to the ongoing process of deepening understanding and enacting inclusion.
*Shared with permission from The Alexander Technique Diversity Coalition